Adding Custom RPCs

Argent X provides you with the ability to add custom RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls). You could do this following these steps:

  1. Open your Argent X extension, then navigate to Settings → Developer settings → Manage Networks

  2. Click on the + icon to add a new network.

Fill in the Network name, Chain ID and Base URL.

  1. Next up, click on "Advanced settings", and fill in the Account class hash, Fee token address, and Multicall address. You could optionally fill in the other fields.

  • Account class hash - represents the class hash for the account implementation.

  • Fee token address - represents the address of the token with which fees are paid on the network.

  • Multicall address - address of multicall contract.

  1. Finally, click on Save and your new custom RPC will be added to your Argent X wallet. To add tokens such as Ethereum to your wallet, simply click on "New Token" and fill in the required details.

Last updated

Change request #72: adding network switcher