Adding Custom RPCs

Argent X provides you with the ability to add custom RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls). You could do this following these steps:

  1. Open your Argent X extension, then navigate to Settings → Developer settings → Manage Networks

  2. Click on the + icon to add a new network.

Fill in the Network name, Chain ID and RPC URL.

For Sepolia, the following RPC URLs can be used:



Infura: TBC

  1. Next up, click on "Advanced settings", and fill in the Account class hash, Fee token address, and Multicall address. You could optionally fill in the other fields.

  • Account class hash - represents the class hash for the account implementation.

  • Fee token address - represents the address of the token with which fees are paid on the network.

  • Multicall address - address of multicall contract.

  1. Finally, click on Save and your new custom RPC will be added to your Argent X wallet. To add tokens such as Ethereum to your wallet, simply click on "New Token" and fill in the required details.

Last updated