import { ArgentTMA, SessionAccountInterface } from '@argent/tma-wallet';
2. Initialize the ArgentTMA object
Initialize the ArgentTMA object with your app configuration:
const argentTMA = ArgentTMA.init({
environment: "sepolia", // "sepolia" | "mainnet" (Whitelisting required)
appName: "My TG Mini Test Dapp", // Your Telegram app name
appTelegramUrl: "<>", // Your Telegram app URL
sessionParams: {
allowedMethods: [
// List of contracts/methods allowed to be called by the session key
"0x036133c88c1954413150db74c26243e2af77170a4032934b275708d84ec5452f", // contract address
selector: "increment", //function selector
validityDays: 90 // session validity (in days) - default: 90
3. Request a connection
If the user is not connected, call the requestConnection() method to open the wallet and ask the user to approve the connection. At the same time, you can ask user for token approvals:
The wallet will redirect back to your app and the account will be available from the connect() method.
4. Check connection status
You can check if the user is connected at any time using the isConnected() method:
const isConnected = argentTMA.isConnected();
5. Connect to the wallet
Call the connect() method when your app loads to check if the user is already connected. It is also used to fetch the account object. It is an extended starknet.js account object.
For instance, you could wrap this in a useEffect hook.
useEffect(() => {
// Call connect() as soon as the app is loaded
.then((res) => {
if (!res) {
// Not connected
const { account, callbackData } = res;
if (account.getSessionStatus() !== "VALID") {
// Session has expired or scope (allowed methods) has changed
// A new connection request should be triggered
// The account object is still available to get access to user's address
// but transactions can't be executed
const { account } = res;
// The session account is returned and can be used to submit transactions
// Custom data passed to the requestConnection() method is available here
console.log("callback data:", callbackData);
.catch((err) => {
console.error("Failed to connect", err);
}, []);
6. Interact with Starknet using the account
You can interact with your contracts using starknet.js. For instance, you could do this: