Session keys with meta-transactions

Meta-transactions (outside execution) allows external contracts to execute transactions from outside an account contract, thereby opening up new use-cases such as sponsored transactions, deploying an account on behalf of a user, transaction scheduling (limit orders) etc.

Get outside execution call

To retrieve the data needed to perform an execute_from_outside:

  • sessionRequest , accountSessionSignature and the account address are needed

  • import ArgentSessionService and SessionDappService from @argent/x-sessions .

    • The first is required to instantiate SessionDappService

    • SessionDappService expose the method getOutsideExecutionCall

const transferCallData = erc20Contract.populate("transfer", {
  recipient: address,
  amount: parseInputAmountToUint256(amount),

const beService = new ArgentSessionService(
  ARGENT_SESSION_SERVICE_BASE_URL // Do not share publicly

const sessionDappService = new SessionDappService(beService, await provider.getChainId(), dappKey);

const { contractAddress, entrypoint, calldata } = await sessionDappService.getOutsideExecutionCall(
  false, // keep false, will be a feat for caching
  shortString.encodeShortString("ANY_CALLER"), // Optional: default value ANY_CALLER
  execute_after, // Optional: timestamp in seconds - this is the lower value in the range. Default value: 5 mins before
  execute_before, // Optional: timestamp in seconds - this is the upper value in the range. Default value: 20 mins after
  nonce: BigNumberish, // Optional: nonce, default value is a random nonce

The result can be executed by another account or at backend level

Get outside execution TypedData

To retrieve the TypedData for an outside execution along with the compiled signature (session + guardian).

  • sessionRequest , accountSessionSignature and the account address are needed

  • import ArgentSessionService and SessionDappService from @argent/x-sessions .

    • The first is required to instantiate SessionDappService

    • SessionDappService expose the method getOutsideExecutionTypedData

      • it takes the same parameters as getOutsideExecutionCall

const transferCallData = erc20Contract.populate("transfer", {
  recipient: address,
  amount: parseInputAmountToUint256(amount),

const beService = new ArgentSessionService(

const { signature, outsideExecutionTypedData } = await sessionDappService.getOutsideExecutionTypedData(

Session backend service

If needed, @argent/x-sessions provides the sessionBackenService to directly call the argent backend for signing a session or signing a session for en execution from outside

sign session

public async signTxAndSession(
  calls: Call[],
  transactionsDetail: InvocationsSignerDetails,
  sessionTypedData: TypedData,
  sessionSignature: bigint[],
  cacheAuthorisation: boolean,
): Promise<{
	publicKey: string
	r: bigint
	s: bigint

sign session for an execution from outside (EFO)

public async signSessionEFO(
  sessionTokenToSign: MySession,
  accountAddress: string,
  currentTypedData: TypedData,
  sessionSignature: bigint[],
  cacheAuthorisation: boolean,
  chainId: StarknetChainId,
): Promise<{
	publicKey: string
	r: bigint
	s: bigint

Last updated