StarknetKit Integration Tips

Heya, looking to integrate the StarknetKit SDK? Here are a few recommended tips to help you get the best experience out of it.

The best UX caters for users across various device screen sizes the prevalent ones being Mobile (App Browser and normal browsers), iPads and Desktops.


For desktops, depending on your use case, you can go with either the full connection options or particular connectors. A few lines of code is needed to implement this, make reference to the documentation.

System Browsers (IPads, Mobile)

For system browsers (chrome, Safari..), it’s recommended to show options to connect with either mobile apps or web wallet (since extensions are not supported). You could see how to implement specific connectors in this section for mobile and this section for web wallet.

In-App Browsers (Argent Mobile)

We made the connection from the Argent Mobile in-app browser extra seamless.

For dapps that use starknet-react, you can achieve the same result by checking if the user is in an in-app browser and if yes connect automatically (though the starknet_argentX connector). You could make reference to the starknetkit docs.

Other Tips

  1. Integrating Web Wallet? Stick to the web wallet UX guidelines contained in the docs.

  2. Integrating extensions such as Argent X? you might need a network switcher if you’ve got both testnet and mainnet versions of your dapp.

  3. Need more customization control over your connect modal? checkout the starknetkit-with-starknet-react guide.

Last updated